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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



SBDM Council

School-Based Decision-Making Council

SBDM councils promote shared leadership among those who are closest to the students: parents, teachers, and administrators. As the school's governing body, the council determines curriculum, staffing, discipline, scheduling, instructional practices, extra-curricular activities, and other matters pertinent to the operation. The council must set school policy to provide an environment to enhance student achievement and help the school reach its accountability goals. To meet this responsibility, councils should:  

  • Decide targets for closing achievement gaps;
  • Determine the professional learning plan for the school;
  • Meet monthly and comply with the Open Meetings and Open Records Act;
  • Consult on vacancies (principal, classified, and certified positions); and
  • Write and review policies.