Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for
Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Course Description
Students will be introduced to Health and Physical Education standards. Students will receive instruction on how to become more responsible for their overall health status and how to demonstrate knowledge and skills that promote physical activity throughout their lives.
This course is nine weeks in length.
Academic Standards
Physical Education Standards
Health Standards
Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills
Course Description
Students will receive a deeper understanding Health and Physical Education standards. Students will become more responsible for their overall health status and how to demonstrate knowledge and skills that promote physical activity throughout their lives.
This course is 18-weeks in length.
Academic Standards
Physical Education Standards
Health Standards
Approachings to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills
Course Description
Students will continue to explore Health and Physical Education standards. By the end of the class they have an opportunity to be CPR and First Aid certified.
Academic Standards
Physical Education Standards
Health Standards
Approaches to Learning Skills
Communication Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills