Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for
Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
By the end of the sixth grade course, students in 6th grade will have an understanding and personal experience with how science can be used within and in connection with the judicial and criminal justice system.
By the end of the seventh grade course, students in 7th grade will receive instruction and curriculum that will prepare them and give them groundwork to not only see if they have an interest in the medical and health sciences professions, but also prepare them to take the 8th grade Pre-Biology Curriculum.
By the end of the eighth grade courese, students in 8th grade students will receive a certificate in Pre-Biology upon successful completion of the end of the year exam.
Course Description
Forensic Science curriculum will strive for students to have a positive impact on crime solving which will greatly benefit society. In addition, students will be introduced to criminalistics philosophy through scientific and laboratory problem-solving skills that are necessary for their success in forensic science or other laboratory careers.
This course is nine weeks in length.
Academic Standards
Next Generation Science Standards- NGSS
Kentucky Health Standards- Kentucky Health Standards
Standard 1- Students will comprehend content related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Standard 5- Students will use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Standard 8- Students will advocate for personal, family and community health.
Approaches to Learning Skills
Communication Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills
Course Description
Medical Detective curriculum focuses on how students can take a simulated role as medical detectives as they collect and analyze medical data to diagnose diseases. They solve medical mysteries through hands-on projects and labs, measure and interpret vital signs, dissect a sheep brain, investigate disease outbreaks, and explore how a breakdown within the human body can lead to dysfunction.
This course is 18 weeks in length.
Academic Standards
Next Generation Science Standards-NGSS
Disease Detectives
Mysteries of the Human Body
Kentucky Health Standards- Kentucky Health Standards
Standard 1- Students will comprehend content related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Standard 3- Students will access valid information, products and services to enhance health.
Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills
Course Description
8th Grade-Pre-Biology is an introductory course in biology where students are making connections between their existing knowledge and forming new perspectives and understanding across major subdisciplines of biology. Genetics, cellular biology, development, behavior and immunology are some of the areas covered that are being built upon from previous courses.
This course is a semester in length.
Academic Standards
Next Generation Science Standards- NGSS
Molecules to Organisms
Biological Evolution
Kentucky Health Standards- Kentucky Health Standards
Standard 1- Students will comprehend content related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Standard 3- Students will access valid information, products and services to enhance health.
Approaches to Learning Skills
Communication Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills