Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for
Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
By the end of this course sequence, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate skills and attributes toward their Panther Promise Project and showcase their collection of models and designs. Students may earn badges during these courses, if mastery is achieved from the concepts and knowledge.
In the 8th grade, students that display mastery with the Flight and Space course will have the opportunity to train with the Drone Pilot Ground School and practice for the FAA-Remote Pilot Certification.
Opportunities will be promoted for students to participate in project-based internships with local officials and businesses to promote work-based learning. These experiences shall be aligned with the career pathways, academies, and certifications offered at Southside Technical Center, Eastside Technical Center, Frederick Douglas High School, Bryan Station High School, and Tates Creek High School.
These courses are a part of the Edythe J. Hayes Middle School, Southside Technical Center, Frederick Douglass High School and University of Kentucky College of Engineering 6-12 pipeline for engineering careers.
Course Description
Students will discover the design process and learn methods for communicating design ideas effectively with and without the use of technology. Through sketches, solid models, and mathematical models, students will understand how these representations can be authentic leading into a prototype for further analysis. Using a computer-aided design (CAD) program such as Tinkercad, students will develop 3D models to design solutions based on criteria requirements. Using the design process, students create 2D and 3D models of their design and build a prototype for design testing. Other themes that may be incorporated into this course include: Therapeutic Toy Design Challenge or Prosthetics through a cloud-based virtual modeling STEM application.
The Panther Promise Project will be discussed and how it relates to the attributes of Learn Daily, Laugh Often, Lead Respectfully, and Live Responsibly.
Academic Standards
Next Generation Science Standards - NGSS
Concepts are related to Middle School (MS) levels
Engineering Design
Kentucky Academic Standards (Mathematics)
Concepts are related to Middle School (MS) levels (grades 6,7, and 8)
Expressions and Equations
Statistics and Probability
Approaches to Learning Skills
Communication, Information, and Productivity
Safety and Ethical / Social Issues
Research, Inquiry / Problem-Solving and Innovation
Course Description
Structures and Concepts - Students will continue with the design process and will communicate ideas of creativity with concepts in engineering. An overview of 2D and 3D shapes/models will be included, along with Tinkercad 3D modeling. Our first unit will begin with the illustration of a city concept and designing a 3D model with roads, bridges, buildings, airports, train railways, and power plants. Civil engineering concepts will be introduced to prepare students for mathematical and scientific principles along with open-concept models. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a project-based internship with local engineers to promote work-based learning. All work and activities will be completed at school under the supervision of the teacher.
An additional CAD program, known as Whitebox Learning will allow students to dive deeper into structures of bridges with our next unit. Modeling through Whitebox Learning, students will engage with research, engineering concepts, analysis, outputs, and the build & test stage of their design of a bridge. Concepts taught during this course will include: method of joints, stability, yield strength, compression, tension, and trigonometry. Building a foundation for Design & Innovations III, students will be introduced to Drones and their basic concepts with flight and space. Other themes that may be incorporated into this course include: Solar, Shelter, and Kidwind.
Students will be encouraged to showcase their learning during this course and collect digital examples of their work into the Panther Promise Project. Students may earn badges during this course, if mastery is achieved from the concepts and knowledge of Design & Innovations II.
Academic Standards
Next Generation Science Standards - NGSSS
Concepts are related to both Middle School (MS) and High School (HS) levels
Engineering Design
Motion and Stability | Forces and Interactions
Kentucky Academic Standards (Mathematics)
Concepts are related to Middle School (MS) levels (grades 6,7, and 8)
Expressions and Equations
Statistics and Probability
Approaches to Learning Skills
Communication, Information, and Productivity
Safety and Ethical / Social Issues
Research, Inquiry / Problem-Solving and Innovation
Course Description
Students will discover the science of flight and use aerodynamic concepts to explain how aircraft fly. Through the engineering design process, students will design, prototype, and test models to solve real-world aviation and space challenges. Starting with Drones, students will first engage with Whitebox Learning. Whitebox Learning will provide STEM and CAD applications to guide students through a realistic development process, followed by building a prototype for design testing with real concepts. After demonstrating successful models from their CAD program, students will build their first Drone. Starting with the frame, they will add motors, propellers, a control board (with gimbal), and battery for flight. Practice and mastery of flight will take place for students that demonstrate success with their build. Students that display mastery will have the opportunity to train with the Drone Pilot Ground School and practice for the FAA-Remote Pilot Certification. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a project-based internship with local officials and businesses to promote work-based learning. All work and activities will be completed under the supervision of the teacher.
Developing a 3D model in Tinkercad of a rocket to use in space will be the starting point for their next unit, a Mission to the Moon, as part of NASA’s Artemis program. A review of Whitebox Learning will be established for students to design and build a 3D prototype of an aircraft for space travel. Students will design and build their own rocket to launch for testing and data collection. Students will also investigate how engineers play a vital role in space travel, space discovery, and living in space. Concepts taught during this course will include: forces of flight, thrust, stability, static margin, ballistics, recovery, and the principal axes (Yaw, Pitch, and Roll).
Other themes that may be incorporated into this course include: Gliders, Rovers, and Mission to Mars. Students will demonstrate skills and attributes toward their Panther Promise Project and showcase their collection of models and designs. Students may earn badges during this course, if mastery is achieved from the concepts and knowledge of Design & Innovations III.
Academic Standards
Next Generation Science Standards - NGSS
Concepts are related to both Middle School (MS) and High School (HS) levels
Engineering Design
Motion and Stability | Forces and Interactions
Kentucky Academic Standards (Mathematics)
Concepts are related to Middle School (MS) levels (grades 6,7, and 8)
Expressions and Equations
Ratio and Proportional Relationships
Statistics and Probability
Approaches to Learning Skills
Communication, Information, and Productivity
Safety and Ethical / Social Issues
Research, Inquiry / Problem-Solving and Innovation
Part of a 6-12 College of Engineering Pipeline