Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for
Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
By the end of this course, students in 6th grade Life Skills will have the core skills needed to be responsible citizens within their school and community. The skills they obtain will allow them to be more confident in all aspects of their lives.
By the end of this course, students in 7th grade – Life Skills will have the coursework necessary for them to take the Culinary class available for 8th grader, and will have the opportunity to obtain their 4-H babysitting certification.
By the end of this class, students in 8th grade – Culinary will have an opportunity to test for the National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe Certification Test.
Course Description
6th graders will receive their first exposure to career and life skills in all areas of Family and Consumer Sciences. Students will receive instruction in career exploration, nutrition and food preparation, family life, childcare, interpersonal relationships, sewing production, the environment in which they live and career-related tasks.
Academic Standards
Big Ideas: Consumer Decisions & Financial Literacy:
Big Idea: Career Awareness, Exploration, Planning
Big Idea: Employability Skills:
Big Idea: Communication/Technology:
Health Standards:
National Standard
Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills
Course Description
Students in class will focus on three units: Foods, Sewing and Childcare. The Foods unit provides an introduction to safety and sanitation practices, basic kitchen math skills, nutrition through the lifespan, and international cooking. Each of these topics allows for hands on experience directly in the kitchen through cooking labs. In the Sewing unit, students gain knowledge in caring for their clothing properly, based on the fiber. Students also gain experience on a sewing machine through understanding of the proper uses of the machine and by creating a project. The childcare unit will prepare students with the knowledge to care for young children. Students will be able to obtain their 4-H babysitting certification.
Academic Standards
Big Ideas: Consumer Decisions & Financial Literacy
Big Idea: Career Awareness, Exploration, Planning
Big Idea: Employability Skills
Big Idea: Communication/Technology
Health Standards
National Standards
Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills
Course Description
This course will prepare students to understand the scientific principles of nutrition, the relationship of nutrition to health and well-being, and also prepares students with food production, preparation, and service skills. Instruction includes topics such as finding nutritive food values; planning, selecting, storing, purchasing, preparing, testing, serving and selling of quality food and food products; nutrition and health; safety and emergencies; food safety and sanitation; meal management; food preparation; food purchasing; food in culture; the science of food and nutrition; food costs and production; and food technology. This course provides a solid background for a wide range of careers such as food service and hospitality, food science, dietetics, and nutrition.
Academic Standards
Big Ideas: Consumer Decisions
Big Idea: Career Awareness, Exploration, Planning
Big Idea: Employability Skills
Health Standards
National Standards
Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communicaton Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills