Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for
Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
To show evidence of writing development throughout the course, students will be required to maintain Writer’s Notebooks that will be developed into a portfolio either digitally or in print. Originality and writing that shows thought will be emphasized. We will also seek opportunities to publish our original writings for example as part of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, New York Times Learning Network Contests, and in publications such as Teen Ink Magazine.
Course Description
The Creative Writing course is designed for students who enjoy writing as a form of art and personal expression. In this course, students will explore the elements of numerous literary genres, while also responding to literature, art mediums, quotes, and music. They will explore the power of both print and multimedia formats. To develop original writing pieces, students will engage in writing workshops, literary element development lessons, peer reviews/conferences, and language lessons. In sixth grade we will cover poetry, narrative writing, and will lay the foundation for essay writing. We will write formula poetry, be introduced to the Step Up to Writing method (including the 3.8 paragraph), and put together a five paragraph essay.
Academic Standards
Composition Standards
Language Standards
Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills
Course Description
The Creative Writing course is designed for students who enjoy writing as a form of art and personal expression. In this course, students will explore the elements of numerous literary genres, while also responding to literature, art mediums, quotes, and music. They will explore the power of both print and multimedia formats. To develop original writing pieces, students will engage in writing workshops, literary element development lessons, peer reviews/conferences, and language lessons. In seventh grade we will cover poetry, narrative writing, and complete a short research project. We will write an epic poem, create a children’s book, write a memoir, and conduct a “classics” research project.
Academic Standards
Composition Standards
Language Standards
Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Research Skills
Course Description
The Creative Writing course is designed for students who enjoy writing as a form of art and personal expression. In this course, students will explore the elements of numerous literary genres, while also responding to literature, art mediums, quotes, and music. They will explore the power of both print and multimedia formats. To develop original writing pieces, students will engage in writing workshops, literary element development lessons, peer reviews/conferences, and language lessons. In eighth grade we will cover poetry, narrative writing, argumentative writing, and a short research project. We will write free verse poetry, participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), choose topics to defend in writing, and conduct a “Bucket List” research project.
Academic Standards
Composition Standards
Language Standards
Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills