Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Check my student's enrollment area
Begin online registration process
Must-Have Documents Checklist:
* FCPS must receive a legal copy of the child's birth certificate or another official document proving the child's identity and date of birth. The following are acceptable alternatives:
You can get a birth-certificate application from the assigned school or from the Fayette County Health Department, 650 Newtown Pike; call (859) 252-2371.
** You may register without these two documents, but your child may not attend school until the immunization certificate is on file with FCPS.
Medical Details:
If possible, please complete all medical paperwork before the first day of school. (See "Forms" below.) For instance, our Child Nutrition Department needs to know about any food allergies, and Health Services needs to know if your child has a medical condition or requires special accommodations.
Our schools are closed Sept. 30 through Oct. 4. Students return to class on Monday, Oct. 7.