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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



WEB - Where Everybody Belongs

What is WEB?

  • WEB stands for “Where Everybody Belongs.”  At Edythe J. Hayes Middle School WEB means that we welcome and embrace students from diverse backgrounds and who have unique talents, interests and characteristics.
  • WEB is a yearlong program wherein 8th Grade Leaders conduct experiential activities to prepare incoming 6th graders for middle school.  Activities include: A high-energy, inspirational Day 1 Assembly, monthly group activities, peer mentoring/tutoring, and structured gatherings.

The Main Components of WEB

  • 6th Grade Transition:  WEB helps incoming 6th Grade Students make a successful transition to middle school through a variety of high-energy, engaging activities and practical tips for success.
  • 8th Grade Leadership Development:  WEB promotes Leadership and Service in 8th Grade students by providing training in leadership development, and organizing planned, intentional opportunities to serve incoming 6th Grade students.
  • Creating a Welcoming School Environment:  WEB helps to establish a positive climate of cooperation and mutual respect in our school by teaching 8th Graders to treat 6th Graders with respect, and by celebrating the unique talents, interests and characteristics of others.

How it Works

  • WEB Leadership Academy:  Selected eighth grade students will have two days of training during the summer to become WEB Leaders (“mentors” to incoming 6th Graders), and will have training/support throughout the year to perform WEB Leader responsibilities.
  • WEB Assembly:  On the first day of school all incoming sixth graders will participate in the WEB Assembly (Orientation), and then small group “friend-building” activities.
  • Classroom Follow-Up:  WEB Leaders lead monthly Character Ed. lessons for all sixth Grade Classrooms (such as Integrity, Dealing with Rumors/Gossip, Responsibility, etc.).
  • Social Follow-Up:  Periodic activities to foster school-connectedness, friendships, etc.
  • WEB 1 to 1:  Pairings of WEB Leaders with specific sixth graders who may be struggling with grades, organization, peer relationships, etc.; may happen daily, bi-weekly, etc.